Thursday, November 12, 2009

Exiled to Lusaka

On Monday I was sent down to Lusaka for medical. My sternum is still really sore from the car accident and there was concern that I may have gotten a hairline fracture or something. I was able to see the doctor monday afternoon as soon as I arrived (a doctor at a private clinic that PC uses) but he said my lungs were clear and I didn't have any broken ribs so I should just rest and if it's not better in a few days come back for a chest xray. Meaning I had to stay and rest in Lusaka, and if I haven't mentioned this before, Lusaka is lame and I don't particularly enjoy being here, especially alone. It turns out 2 people were at the PC bunk house in Lusaka for medical and 2 new volunteers that were evacuated from Guinea and sent here so its not completely empty here but still not too exciting. PC has a bed and breakfast program for volunteers where American families that live here open their homes to volunteers so that we can have a free place to stay when we are here for personal reasons. We are only allowed to stay at the bunk house, located at the office, if we are here on official, medical or program days. So last week when we were on our way back from the game park we arranged to stay with a family on the B&B list for the night and head back to central in the morning. Well the family we were assigned to is wonderful and so hospitible and they said we were more than welcome to stay with them anytime or for as long as necessary. So I called them when I got in town and asked if I could stay with them in a real house with a nice bed and a kitchen plus they cook dinner and they always have delicious cookies. They kindly said yes so at least I've been able to stay with them instead of being at the office. As much as I don't like Lusaka it's not so bad just hanging out at their house and resting. I've read 3.5 books in the last 3.5 days and i've slept in took a few naps and enjoyed sitting on the swing by their garden. Also, another girl from my intake came in yesterday and stayed with them for the night so it was nice to see here and hear how things are going for her. I told them I thought I would leave tomorrow but now it looks like i'm staying to hopefully they are not sick of me yet otherwise I'll have to move to the bunk house. Regardles of my enjoying their hospitality and the chance to rest and relax I still miss my village and I really want to go back soon, plus I miss the ability to bike, runa and exercise, not to mention I'm a little over the pain itself. I went back to the doctor this morning and they did a chest xray since the pain is still the same. On Monday I did get stronger pain meds whihc help and the pain is much more bearable now, but as soon as they wear off its just as bad as before. The chest x ray looks fine, no visible fractures which is good news. Then he sent me to a chiropracter/physical therapist right away hoping that I could at least get some exercises to do and head back to Serenje at least. However, the chiropracter says that my right colarbone is a little out of place which puts stress on my sternum plus my neck and back were a little messed up. He realigned my spine today and said I have to come back tomorrow for another adjustment and maybe even next week although I'm still hoping to go home by Saturday plus a cruiser is going then so I wouldn't even have to hitch. It all depends on tomorrows appointment. But seeing as I'm in Lusakaland and have access to free not quite as slow internet I can update again sometime again so stay tuned.

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